Main Street Vehicles at Magic Kingdom
Are you looking for a magical start to your day at Magic Kingdom? Hop aboard the Main Street Vehicles for a VIP arrival in front of Cinderella Castle. There are four vehicles, an omnibus, a jitney, a horsedrawn trolley, and a firetruck. Depending upon the day, you may see any number of them out along Main Street. They typically start in the early morning and continue until mid-morning.
We arrived before rope drop on a Sunday morning just as the vehicles were coming out for the day. The Omnibus pulled up to the bus stop in front of Tony’s Town Square and we hopped aboard for our journey down Main Street USA. For front-row views of the castle, I recommend the top level of the Omnibus on the right (passenger side) of the vehicle. The top level gives you a bird’s eye view of Main Street and even an early morning peek at Tomorrowland as you round the HUB toward the castle. Once you reach your destination, take a moment to snap a few photos of the castle from this unique vantage point.
We still reached the castle in plenty of time to grab some photos before joining the Disney Hotel line for rope drop. We were not headed anywhere in particular, but if you are rope-dropping a headliner, you will want to be at the front of the line and should save the Main Street vehicles for another time. While it’s a fun and leisurely way to get to the castle, it’s not the most effective if you are looking to be at the front of the rope drop crowd.
You are welcome to take the vehicles from the castle to Main Street as well, but the ride is considered to be one-way, so you will be asked to disembark and re-load as space allows. If you are traveling with a stroller, I recommend leaving your stroller in the parking area in front of Tony’s Town Square, taking a ride to the castle, grabbing some photos, and taking the next vehicle back to Tony’s. From there, you can walk up Main Street to take in the ambiance and grab a morning Starbucks. Drop by the Childcare Center for a bathroom break or diaper change before heading to Adventureland to start your day.
Have you had the chance to experience the Main Street vehicles? Which is your favorite? Join the discussion on our Instagram or TikTok @thefourmillionmilefamily Every Thursday, we share our favorite theme park tips and tricks! Be sure to like and follow!